I’m sorry for what I said
I’m sorry for what I did
I’m sorry for what I wrote
I’m sorry for what I thought
I’m sorry for what I dreamed
I’m sorry for what I said
I’m sorry for what I did
I’m sorry for what I wrote
I’m sorry for what I thought
I’m sorry for what I dreamed
本來不打算寫文章 但是就是有人爬山時嘴秋就算了
還跟我預告說 她要寫文章給 “幹ㄟ” 所以我要寫篇文章給她們兩個
順便罵一下”幹ㄟ” 因為他說他不想出門 但是卻跟別團一起爬山
還被我在”會人”的時候偷聽到了 所以我金鋼狼不爽
刀子從我手的關節出來了唷 “幹ㄟ”還不知道 欠揍
You are such a fucking hypocrite,
one minute you told me that you were fucking deleting the account,
next you just logged in likes you did not pretend to?
And left a title that you are a fucking housewife right now and you logged in a wrong account.
That’s fucking lame.
It’s just like there is a butterfly in your stomach
這一切不是個遊戲 不是競爭也將不會有猜忌
No matter who u are, when you were in my shoes,
I believe you will feel so fucking painful!!
最近很想要大罵鄭XX 因為我發現妳真的被我看破手腳了
但是咒罵妳對我並沒有任何好處 “原諒別人就是善待自己”
I have to stop dwelling on hating you.