I am sitting in the chair, writing in agony.
A demon, a minor demon is pinning me there, fucking with my head.
Mental draining, physical dehydrated.
A hawk, catch me with his sharp eyes.
A fragile heart, weak body “it” is.
I can see his eager in the eyes,
Pouring tears are all over my face
I am not aware of if I couldn’t run or I don’t want to run.
A demon, a minor demon is pinning me there, fucking with my head.
“Go fuck yourself” I said.
“Why would I do that when I can fuck you.” He said.
I am sitting in the chair, writing in agony.
Catch me and make me high or torture me and let me die with pride.
What the fuck do you think i wanna kill people? Demond said.
Well, why are you there? i said
The question is what the fuck am I here? demon said
Cause we wanna fuck each other. he said......