To be honest, as a weirdo like me, I’m a fan of Sex and the city too. I have all six seasons DVDs, and every time I finished a heart-broken relationship, I watched the whole series again to recover. Not because I like any character in that show or I like the way they think about love, but cuz I know that, no matter what happens, good friends will always be around.
Many people adore the friendship in Sex and the City, so “did” I, why I use past term here, cuz I am one of them now, so no longer adore that anymore, but cherish.
Iris, Leanne, Ivy and I make a deal of traveling in New York on 2012. Four of us are going to make our own version of sex and the city. I told her that I want to be Samantha, cuz she always knows what she wants and she is not ashamed of enjoying sex, she is strong as a man and I like that.
But I think my personality is more like Carries', she always struggles with different men and couldn't make her own mind, she is sensitive and emotional, also she loves to type everything down, which is just like what I am doing right now. Anyway, I am talking too much now...
I believe that’s going to have so much fun. Iris has been there once, she went to lots significant spots in New York, she is going to be a good tour guide, I suppose.
I just hope that AIT could approve my visiting visa, since last time when I went to LA, I assumed they has put me in the record.
Anyway, we all know future is unpredictable, things like these are always better late than never, they have all the cards, all I can do is prey and cross my fingers.